bacSpot ML
Colony Counter – Single Plate Colony Counter
AID bacSpot ML is the automatic colony counter solution for smaller amounts of plates. With its sophisticated illumination construction and software the AID bacSpotML ensures comfortable counting and proper documentation of results. Due to the versatile software capabilities this smaller device does not stand behind the robotic system in terms of analysis or data integration.

processing various plate types
60 mm and 90 mm plates from every major manufacturer

precise counting of various CFUs
algorithm customizable for numerous colony forming units

easy workflow Integration
includes barcode scanner for easy integration in your QC workflow

bacSpot ML System
Plate Flexibility and Analysis Power
Colonies in Spotlight
Flexible Lighting and Colony Display

You are on the spot!
Please contact us to clarify your questions and equipment requirements. If you are interested, our service unit will gladly advise you in detail about preceding feasibility tests and the following procedure.
As the bacSpot systems can be adapted to customer-specific requirements, we also offer to discuss individual solutions with you in the group of experts in Strassberg during an on-site demonstration (Baden-Württemberg, Germany).
AID Autoimmun Diagnostika GmbH
Ebinger Straße 4
D-72479 Straßberg
Tel. +49 (0)7434 9364-0
Fax +49 (0)7434 9364-40
E-mail: info@aid-diagnostika.com
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